About Us

The enthusiasm and passion for our work has achieved that since we began our journey in 1996 we grew day by day motivated by the endless possibilities that the event and family celebrations world offers. The desire to learn and be at the forefront in a sector in which the technology is moving permanently allowing to make reality what was impossible before, has led us to be able build new ideas through our various departments and disciplines, a Dream come True.

Our commitment is to continue learning and innovating to thank the trust placed in us through the course of these years by thousands of customers and friends.

Our goal is to continue enjoying our work reflecting it in our events

Our Team

Albert Sassot

Albert Sassot


Míguel A. Ruiz

Míguel A. Ruiz

Private Events Senior Manager

Manuel Blanco

Manuel Blanco

Corporate Events Senior Manager

Paco Castillo

Paco Castillo

Project Manager (Private)

Ángel L. Pérez

Ángel L. Pérez

Project Manager (Corporate)

Rubén Valero

Rubén Valero

Project Manager (Corporate)

Jose I. García

Jose I. García

Warehouse and logistics manager

Óscar Hernández

Óscar Hernández

Décor and Furniture Manager

Marcos Massa

Marcos Massa

Graphics Senior Manager

Nahuel Sassot

Nahuel Sassot


How to Find Us

Sassot Sound S.L.

Gestión Integral de Eventos

Calle Arboleda,18 Nave 1

28031, Madrid.


Ganador ZankYou International Wedding Awards dos años consecutivos

Ganador ZIWA


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